Business English Training

In today’s business environment, English hasreinforced itself as the language of communication. With this in mind, we offer training in Business English with speech-centred training, using the total immersion method, whereby the student must communicate in the target language from day one. Grammar is taught as a communication exercise and vocabulary is expanded using a variety of techniques, especially Quizlet, keeping the interest of participants active and alive.

English training may be undertaken on a 1-on-1 basis or in a group situation, especially members of the same department. This would depend on the intensity of the learning required and on the learning style of the participant. Groups should not comprise more than six persons for maximum effectiveness and adequate talk time for all the students. Furthermore, groups should be formed according to the level of all the participants to ensure maximum learning.

The highest standards of teaching techniques are used including relevant business articles, radio interviews, sound clips, videos, Ted/TedEd talks, standard books for learning and other material relevant for the learner.